A warm home is very important on cold and chilly days. Our heating systems ensure that we enjoy comfortable temperatures in our rooms. The furnaces take in cold air, heat it and then return it to your rooms through ducts. They can burn on gas, or fuel oil or propane. In addition to heating, it purifies the air and can even adjust the humidity levels. The latest combustion technologies are highly energy efficient and are available at reasonable prices. However, there may be times when you experience cold air blowing from the air registers when the system is running. Cydcom Heating & Air Conditioning can help you with any furnace repair or installation of a new system at your home.
A warm home is very important on cold and chilly days. Our heating systems ensure that we enjoy comfortable temperatures in our rooms. The furnaces take in cold air, heat it and then return it to your rooms through ducts. They can burn on gas, or fuel oil or propane. In addition to heating, it purifies the air and can even adjust the humidity levels. The latest combustion technologies are highly energy efficient and are available at reasonable prices. However, there may be times when you experience cold air blowing from the air registers when the system is running. Cydcom Heating & Air Conditioning can help you with any furnace repair or installation of a new system at your home. Why Is Your Furnace Malfunctioning There may be several reasons for the unexpected cold air to come from the furnace. Understanding the issue will help you determine whether to call the repair guys or fix the problem yourself. Read on to learn the common reasons: 1. Wrong Thermostat Setting - It might happen that you or someone in your home switched the thermostat fan setting from ‘auto’ to ‘on’. This makes the fan run continuously without providing heat. You will get heated air only after changing the setting back to ‘auto.’ 2. Other Thermostat Issues – If you have installed your thermostat recently, ensure it is compatible with your heating system. You can consult the HVAC professionals for advice or check the batteries and replace them if needed. 3. Empty Fuel Tank – Your oil-fired furnace may be out of fuel. In such case, the blowers keep circulating air while the burners don’t work. 4. Error in the Computerized Controls – If your furnace is controlled by electronic panels, check whether they are working fine. Similar to rebooting a system, turn off the furnace and restart after a few minutes. If this doesn’t resolve the matter, call the professionals for furnace repair. 5. Overheated Furnace – Compromised air flow from dirty or old filters can cause your furnace to overheat, resulting in burner shutdown. You can change the air filters and then try switching on the furnace. 6. Extinguished Pilot Light – The pilot light may go off from a gust of air. If you are comfortable, you can relight the pilot light yourself. 7. Valve Problems – If the pilot light doesn’t work, there may be a problem with the gas valve. It becomes faulty when dirt and debris accumulate. Get your furnace cleaned and checked regularly. 8. Faulty Thermocouple – If the pilot lights up and keeps going off, check your thermocouple, which is a sensor controlling the gas valve and ignition. Call a technician to get it adjusted or replaced. 9. Clogged Oil Filter – In oil-fired furnaces, oil filters can get clogged with dirt just like the air filters. This can affect the ignition and stop the hot air as cleaning the filters may get messy, it is better to get help. 10. Problems with Electronic Ignition – A new furnace with electronic ignition may face intermittent pilot or a hot surface ignition. You will have to adjust your system or replace the failed parts. 11. Leaking Ducts – Your furnace can blow cold air when hot air escapes through holes in the ducts. Get your ducts inspected by an expert. 12. Compromised Flame Sensor – Your flame sensor will need support if the furnace started with hot air and later switched off. It may be covered with grime or may have worn out with use, causing the burner to shut off. 13. Dirty Oil or Gas Burner – The burner might be in use for a long time and may need cleaning or adjustment. Check the ignition and get help of professionals for cleaning. Consider upgrading your system for a dependable furnace. An old furnace can also ruin your home’s air quality as the worn out combustion will run inefficiently. Apart from furnace repair, contact our trained staff for quality installation and maintenance of air-conditioners, water heaters and garage heaters.